Hi, I’m Jolien and as far as I can remember, I’ve always been fascinated by details that are easily overlooked.

I find myself captivated by the world around us, pausing to get lost in the smallest details that we often overlook in the rush of life... As far back as I can remember, I've been fascinated by details. In my personal photography projects, I channel this fascination. I hone in on natural and manmade patterns and structures, zoom in even further, infuse them with vibrant light, and transform reality into entirely new life forms. The outcome: images that invite the viewer to pause, step closer, and reflect on what they are truly seeing.

More about me?
I’m a full-time commercial photographer by day, artist by night. I run my own photo studio Flits & Flash, where I create images for companies that want to stand out in the crowd. My work is characterized by vivid colours and playful compositions combined with a fun human touch.

Get in touch.

Do you like one of my artworks? You want to get to know me better? You have soms questions or you see some opportunities to work together? Leave me a message and we’ll get in touch.